Not sure if you’ve noticed, but it’s pretty fudging hot at the moment. Like really fudging hot.
We shouldn’t complain, but we are bloody complaining because it’s TOTALLY UN-BLOODY-BEARABLE. Here are some handy tips to help you survive this ungodly heatwave:
1. Whinge to your friends, family and colleagues about how hot it is, often. This will most definitely help to cool you down.
4. Fill your social calendar with a metric f*cktonne of BBQs and picnics.
5. Drink Pimm’s by the gallon.
6. Don’t be fooled. Just because we’re in England, doesn’t mean the sun won’t fry you.
7. Wear a watch or a bracelet for the sole purpose of monitoring your tan.
8. Remember to add the temperature to all of your Instagram stories.
9. Tweet GWR and tell them to install air-con on all of their trains, because they will definitely listen, and everyone’s sweating even more under their masks.
10. Talk about how you really need to buy a fan, but never actually buy a fan.