A world of swirling night skies, golden-yellow fields and morphing portraits will be arriving in Bristol soon. Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience invites you to soak up the artistry of the post-impressionist painter like never before; taking you on a mesmerising journey with 360-degree digital projections, a one-of-a-kind virtual reality interactive and an atmospheric light and sound show.
This immersive exhibition is truly a treat for all the senses, taking you deep into the captivating universe of Van Gogh with each step you take. Thanks to some technological magic breathing life into his impasto brushstrokes, you can see bouquets of flowers blooming in a vase, boats rocking with each gentle ripple of a starlit river and crows soaring over wheat fields.
If you really want to climb through the frame and explore the works of art in all their vibrant glory, pay a visit to the hyper-realistic VR experience: ‘A Day in the Life of an Artist in Arles, France’. Putting on the headset feels like wearing a pair of Van-Gogh-tinted glasses, allowing you to see the world through his eyes as take a digital wander through the cobblestone streets and mist-cloaked countryside that he drew inspiration from.
Along with the spellbinding digital displays and larger-than-life recreations there are also informative panels, each shedding some more light on Van Gogh’s story and artistic process. Plus, there is also a chance for any budding young artists to show off their skills with the crayon.
Though the venue of the exhibition is still a highly intriguing secret, we do know it is heading to Bristol very soon. Van Gogh: The Immersive Experience is a fascinating collision of post-impressionist art and innovative technology. Make sure you’re among the first in the city to experience it by buying tickets now.