Our guide to health and fitness in Bristol brings you everything from beautiful parks to running, cycling and walking routes, yoga and meditation, friendly gyms and peaceful places to go.
Zoom. Disco. Yoga. Three great activities wondrously melded together. Picture a cauldron that blends something the lockdown has given a career to (Zoom), something you’ve been missing (dancing to loud music with other p...
The England Coast Path will stretch your legs a bit… As we’re all confined to the house for the time being, the simple joy of walking has become a treasured activity, where one can roam as far and wide as on...
If just one designated, state-approved outdoor exercise of the day isn’t enough movement for you, never fear. It’s time to get into some top-quality yoga. How many times have you meant to get into this craze but never g...
Over half of the UK’s energy came from wind power on Boxing Day. Despite everything – and I’m sure you don’t need a reminder of what “everything” is – this year, there have been a few bright spots in the news this year,...
People were in awe at the appearance of this beautiful Christmas star. Last night marked an incredibly rare Great Conjunction. Jupiter and Saturn appeared to meet just after sunset, creating the first ‘Christmas s...
Drinking at least three teas a week could add years to your life, according to science. A research team in China have discovered that regular consumption of tea is associated with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease...
Enjoy the winter solstice from the comfort of your own home this year. In true 2020 style, the winter solstice will be live streamed from Stonehenge next week. The epic event usually brings thousands of people to the an...
And no, we don’t mean the tree topper. Making a special appearance for Christmas 2020, Jupiter and Saturn are set to wave their magic wand this year – creating the first ‘Christmas Star’ in 800 l...
Looks like our dreams of a white Christmas won’t be coming true after all. According to the Met Office, snow will ‘virtually disappear’ from most of the UK by the end of the century. Thanks to climate change and increas...
Jupiter and Saturn are about to have a reunion in the sky and we’re all invited to watch. Jupiter and Saturn are set to line up together for the first time in nearly 800 years. The two planets have been approaching for...