Spring is upon us! And that only means warmer weather, the smell of dew in the morning, and of course, the most beautiful of all: cherry blossom trees. Japanese cherry blossom – also known as sakura – is well suited to the British climate and can add a pop of colour and beauty to any landscape. Trees pop with blossom for a short time in March, with stunning pastel pink flowers that flow in the wind. If you’re looking for a new walk or day trip out these beautiful flowers are the perfect excuse, so check out our guide to where to see cherry blossom in Bristol and further afield this spring.
1. Castle Park
Bang in the centre of town, cherry blossom is abundant here. There is a lovely tree trail within Castle Park, including Cherry Avenue, where you can see cherry blossom in full bloom. This avenue is part of the route between Bristol Bridge and Wine Street. You will also find the the Great White Cherry tree, planted in 2014 for the 70th anniversary of the Hiroshima bombing.
2. Bristol Harbourside
There’s nothing quite like a stroll by the harbour on a warm, sunny day but it gets even better at spring time. Bristol harbourside gets a dose of pink with a pretty cherry blossom tree in bloom as you walk or cycle down the path towards the city with the colourful houses of Cliftonwood above.
3. Totterdown
South of Bristol is not short of cherry blossom either. You’ll find quaint houses with gorgeous cherry blossom trees right at their front doors. Not too bad standing on your doorstep and being confronted by a pink paradise, eh?
5. Southmead
Get your weekly shop and a dose of beauty in one by heading to Southmead. You’ll stumble upon this cherry blossom tree in the Lidl supermarket car park there. Bargains and blossom!
6. Arnos Vale Cemetery
This Victorian garden cemetery, set in a leafy 45-acre Arcadian landscape is not only dotted with classical buildings, historic monuments, sweeping carriage drives and leafy walks but also cherry blossom too. Enjoy a tranquil stroll away from the hustle and bustle and get a dose of cherry blossom this spring whilst you’re there.
7. Brandon Hill
The views from Cabot Tower isn’t the only stunning thing about Brandon Hill. Take in views from a park bench at this Bristol park and discover the gorgeous cherry blossom, also known as sakura, without even having to leave the city.
8. Shirehampton Park Golf Club
This park situated north-east of Bristol offers more than just golf. Whether you’re visiting for a game of pitch and putt or simply out for some exercise, you’ll be welcomed by these rows of cherry blossom trees which are bound to brighten your day.
9. Oldbury Court Estate
It seems every corner of Bristol has a little pocket of green space reserved for cherry blossom and this area up in Fishponds is no different. You’ll also find a nature trail, orienteering path and lots of bird and squirrel life here, despite only being around three miles out of the city centre.
10. Severn Beach
Let’s go to the beach, let’s go get a… cherry blossom. But yes, a half an hour’s drive from Bristol will get you to Severn Beach where you can enjoy both waves and cherry blossom. If you’re not feeling brave enough to dip your toes into the water (after all, it is spring) at least you have this gorgeous Japanese tree in bloom.
11. Glastonbury
For a trip further afield, head to Glastonbury for a change of scenery. The abbey here is surrounded by cherry blossom and makes for a great day out. But be quick, cherry blossom does not stick around for long.